Wednesday 16 March 2011

London Nicole PR

Posted by littlewolver in - 0 comments

One of the portraits we have done has been chosen and used with permission in the PR brochure of 'London Nicole' - a freelance PR agency.

London Nicole can be found on - all the best in your business, Natasha!

Friday 4 March 2011

Portrait Lighting Cheat Sheet

Posted by littlewolver in - 0 comments

Just a quick one today. There is a great resource on the and it is worth sharing. Udi and Yossi (thanks, guys!) have done their homework well and produced a very handy (shouldn't it read 'handi'?) cheat sheet. It looks like this:

and is really quite useful as smart card in your pocket to remind you of what the basic angle changes do. Just a rough guide, of course, but a good one to keep.

I'd recommend reading the whole article, it's well worth the time. We'll be posting more interesting tutorials, resources and links so check back!