Monday, 18 April 2011

Company registration 'upgrade' to Ltd

Posted by littlewolver in - 0 comments

HANDISTUDIO now operates as brand name of Xcen3 Ltd. We have registered as a Company Limited in England and Wales. The company will operate under evenly shared management of both owners. The reason for registering a 'non-specific' name is that we aim to outgrow into corporate photography services at later stage and might require a new brand name.We've got a lot of hope in the future of handistudio as we believe we're delivering superb photography at more than competitive prices. Check back and bookmark...

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

London Nicole PR

Posted by littlewolver in - 0 comments

One of the portraits we have done has been chosen and used with permission in the PR brochure of 'London Nicole' - a freelance PR agency.London Nicole can be found on - all the best in your business, Natas...

Friday, 4 March 2011

Portrait Lighting Cheat Sheet

Posted by littlewolver in - 0 comments

Just a quick one today. There is a great resource on the and it is worth sharing. Udi and Yossi (thanks, guys!) have done their homework well and produced a very handy (shouldn't it read 'handi'?) cheat sheet. It looks like this:and is really quite useful as smart card in your pocket to remind you of what the basic angle changes do. Just a rough guide, of course, but a good one to keep.I'd recommend reading the whole article, it's well worth the time. We'll be posting more interesting...

Monday, 28 February 2011

New kit on the block

Posted by littlewolver in - 0 comments

We have updated the studio kit (again). Yes, we do love to play with the new toys but hey, it improved the quality of the studio photoshoot, too. Our current setup has got:- two strobes (flash lights) of 5600K, 160W power- two continuous lights of 5500 K, i.e. daylight temperature, 1000W- three rectangular softboxes 50x70cm- reflective umbrella- diffuser umbrella- ...and all the related bits and bobs.We will be posting a few tutorials here shortly with diagrams and some useful tips. Check ba...

Friday, 4 February 2011


Posted by littlewolver in - 0 comments

A few photos from the studio shoot of two lovely sister-girls. The older one was 15, the younger one was 7 at the time. Taken in July 20...

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